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The members of the Victoria Women’s Newcomers Club truly represent the diversity and friendliness for which Canadians are known. We are grandmothers, singles, and married women from all across the country and further abroad. Many are retired or in the late stage of a working career and have relocated to this beautiful city where nature, food, culture, and endless opportunities for exploration abound. We are eager to make new friends, create new experiences and enjoy our new city within a welcoming enthusiastic group.We convene the second Tuesday of each month at the Victoria Golf Club where we enjoy a buffet lunch together with either a guest speaker or a group activity. However, the main benefit of coming to our luncheons, is to bring together women from all areas of Victoria who are new to the city. Our luncheons are a great way to socialize over a meal.In addition to the monthly luncheons there are a number of activity groups to join once becoming a member. Sign up on our website for the activity of your choice. The activity groups represent the core of our club where you regularly get together with women with similar interests, or perhaps you’ll try something new. There are also many single event outings throughout the year as well as outings for couples. And, the fee to join for the year is just $35.For more information contact vwncenquiries@gmail.com.[/wa_restricted]