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Singing makes her happy. “It’s as simple as that,” according to Eleanor Bell, who joined VWNC in 2016 after moving from Nanoose Bay. And her love of song and singing is taking her to Aberdeen, Scotland in June where she and 29 other Sweet Adelines will begin a two-week tour of Scotland and Ireland. There they will sing with other choruses and “work in some sightseeing along the way.”

Eleanor joined Sweet Adelines in 1995 while she was living in Perth, Australia. She’s been singing as “Lead” (second soprano) with the Victoria chorus for “almost 14 years.” The 45-member chorus, whose singers range in age from late 20’s to late 70’s, celebrates its 50th anniversary this year when the group will change its name to Pacific Edge in an effort to “modernize and update” who it is.Described as “women singers dedicated to advancing a capella music through performance,” all of Sweet Adelines’ rehearsals are open to the public and potential new members “ to enrich the lives of its members and the community through musical excellence, education and friendship.” Rehearsals are every Tuesday at 7 pm in Gordon United Church, 935 Goldstream Avenue in Langford. (www.cityofgardenschorus.ca)Eleanor, born and raised in Montreal the middle of five children—two girls and three boys, began singing with school choirs in grade seven and, in high school, switched to Glee Clubs.
“I love to sing,” she adds, as she contemplates packing her bags for 14 days of song.[/wa_restricted]