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For six weeks in May and June, 9,000 Victoria-area students in music, dance and dramatic arts will perform on stages throughout the city. Renowned experts in thearts will adjudicate throughout the Greater Victoria Performing Arts Festival and prizes will be awarded in the various categories.The public can attend the adjudicated sessions and the Highlights concert at the conclusion of the festival that runs from May 29-June 2, 2018.

The event operates with the help of hundreds of volunteers. If you love the arts, want to support young artists and can give some time to this amazing festival, consider volunteering to help carry out the following duties: secretary to adjudicators; driving; taking admission fees and selling programs; captains of the various disciplines; helping with registration day; assisting backstage; working at a venue and general assistance. For further details and to volunteer, visit the website gvpaf.com. To learn more about the festival, contact VWNC secretary, Trudie Lazaruk at tlazaruk@shaw.ca.
