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For three hours on several Thursday evenings, “Art in the City” members picked up brushes, dipped them in paint and got to work. At the outset, lots of nervous cries “I’ve never painted before.” “I don’t want anyone to see this.” “I’m very nervous about this.” “Mine won’t be any good.”

A few glasses of Prosecco later, their paintings were taped on the wall ready for photos. And, as classes drew to a close, there were smiles, lots of praise and surprisingly to most, some budding artists with art to frame.

Their work is exhibited throughout MAY AT THE MOKA HOUSE CAFE IN COOK STREET VILLAGE. Please drop in to enjoy the wonderful accomplishments of our club members.

The workshops, where the art was created, were led by KATE CARSON, an artist who created a program to share her love of drawing and painting with others.

They followed Kate’s “art play” method to draw and paint a piece based on the work of a renowned artist such as Picasso. No experience was necessary.

They followed Kate’s “art play” method to draw and paint a piece based on the work of a renowned artist such as Picasso. No experience was necessary.

Not all their work is here. “I tossed mine in the garbage as soon as I got home,” “I sent mine to my granddaughter.” “My work looked like that of a 3-year-old so no one will ever see it.” “No way this is going up anywhere.”

But for others, after some encouragement and lots of prodding, most agreed to frame their work for hanging.

They were willing to share it with the public.

I hope you enjoy viewing the work as much as I have enjoyed the opportunity to show it.
