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May 1: A lovely Spring day as club members arrived for our monthly luncheon at the Victoria Golf Club. Lots of smiles and hugs before the Annual General Meeting. And the Chicken Pot Pie and tossed salad provided a delicious start to a fantastic performance by the Guest Speaker. Louise Rose, a popular pianist and vocalist in Victoria kept us laughing, singing and toe-tapping during a wonderful half hour following the meal. Taking requests, telling anecdotes and offering up quips brought members to their feet at the conclusion of her presentation.

Thanks to the Program conveners for a memorable luncheon program not only on May 1 but throughout the year. June 5 will mark the end of another year for club luncheons. Conveners and graduates will be the focus of the “Appreciation Lunch.” But we’ll still have the mellow tones from the May performance ringing in our ears as we close the books on our regular monthly luncheons. Thanks, Louise for improving our spirits and for your visit to our club.
