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We had a marvellous response from the amateur and enthusiastic photographers and nature lovers in VWNC. Fifteen women submitted their “captured” floral images in the first, hopefully annual, Flower Photo Contest. There were delightful spring blooms – daffodils, Hellebore, crocuses, rhodos and cheery cherry blossoms. There were also more unusual choices, but still magnificent, of Skunk Cabbage and Brazen Hussy!

The two professional photographers judging our contest were Christine Pienaar in Vancouver and Sabrina Patrice in Victoria. Check out their websites for their gorgeous wedding and portrait photography. We greatly appreciate their involvement in the flower photo contest. They “blind judged” the entries – only knowing a number for each photo, not names.

Drum roll please ….. And the winners are:

First place goes to Leslie Grant. Second place is Lynne Whalley. And a tie for third place goes to Jacqueline Vetsch and Linda Heneault. See their beautiful faces and flowers.

Everyone is a winner in our club – living in such a beautiful, lush green and blossoming environment.

Laurie Grant, Vice President

We thank our esteemed judges for this First Annual Flower Photo Contest

for the Victoria Women’s Newcomers Club.

Please check out their photography work through the weblinks below.

Christine Pienaar Photography



Sabrina Patrice


