Directions & Parking
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Directions & Parking Information for the Union Club
The Victoria Women’s Newcomers Club meets monthly from September to June at the Union Club, 805 Gordon Street,
(at the corner of Humboldt & Gordon Streets) in downtown Victoria.
(see map below for Directions)
Note: The Union Club’s own parking lot is available to members only. Please use the following parking suggestions:
About 3 blocks from the Union Club the City has a parkade with 544 parking spaces under the Library (745 Broughton St). It is free for the first hour, $2 for the second and third hours, and $3 for the fourth hour and up, to a maximum of $16/day. Payment is possible using cash or a credit card. You can pay the attendant or pay at a parkade pay station before returning to your vehicle or upon exiting.
Another nearby parkade is the Victoria Conference Centre (by the Empress Hotel), with access off 720 Douglas Street. It has 300 parking spaces, and costs $1.75 per half hour.
Also nearby is the Broughton Street Parkade (635 Broughton St). It has 367 stalls and costs $2 per half hour.
Surface Parking
The City has surface parking lots at 900 Wharf Street (202 stalls) and the Royal Theatre (820 Courtney St). They charge $2.50 per hour, $15 day rate.
There is some on-street parking on Courtney St and Burdett Ave between Quadra and Blanchard Streets that costs $2.50 per hour, and permits up to 4 hours of parking. Much of the downtown street parking is just 90 minutes. You can pay for on-street parking at a Pay Station (using coin, credit card or the City’s Parking Card), or using a smart phone with the City’s ParkVictoria app.
More Information
More info on the City of Victoria parking is available at:>and a map of City parking with a Fact Sheet is at:
A useful website, with tips and more information on parking from the Downtown Victoria Business Association (DVBA), is available at: This DVBA site provides a map which lists City parkades (red dots on the map) and other parkades (yellow dots on the map).