Executive Responsibilities


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The Victoria Women’s Newcomers Club is a volunteer organization where women, new to the city, build friendships and knowledge of the community through social, cultural and outdoor activities.


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PRESIDENT: The President is responsible for ensuring that the mandate and the mission of the organization are met. She provides leadership for the Executive and membership, guides Executive in strategic planning and plans Executive meetings, including setting and issuing agenda to Executive for monthly meetings. She also chairs monthly Executive meetings and serves as master of ceremonies at the monthly luncheon meetings.

VICE PRESIDENTS (2): The Vice Presidents share responsibilities for organizing speakers for the monthly luncheons and activities at the luncheons. They work closely to ensure the luncheon programs are interesting and enjoyable. They co-chair the club’s Nominating Committee and help recruit members to serve on the Executive.  The Vice Presidents serve in place of the President in the President’s absence.  They help with physical set up of each luncheon.

SECRETARY: The Secretary takes minutes at Executive meetings and the Annual General meeting. She receives written reports from the Executive members that are filed for reference. Upon direction from the Executive, she conducts all correspondence with members including the sending of get-well and condolence messages to members during illness, or death of immediate family members.  The Secretary receives enquiries from members and either answers the enquiries or directs them to the appropriate person.

TREASURER: The Treasurer is responsible for all financial transactions including the collection of membership fees and luncheon payments. She reconciles the bank statements and maintains records of disbursements and receipts. She prepares and presents a financial report to the Executive at monthly meetings.

VENUE COORDINATOR: The Venue Coordinator liaises with our luncheon venue. Working closely with the head of the catering team, she oversees the set-up for the luncheon. In consultation with the chef, she ensures special dietary needs are accommodated. On the day of the luncheon, the venue co-ordinator troubleshoots any last minute problems and greets guests.

MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR x2:  The membership coordinators share responsibilities to maintain the membership list, welcome new members to the club and provide registration at the monthly luncheons.  They host a ‘Meet and Greet’ function twice a year to introduce new members to the executive and to club activities.  They create and distribute club name badges.

ACTIVITY COORDINATORS x2: Activity Coordinators oversee activities by recruiting, training, and supporting conveners as they deliver activities to the membership. They coordinate with conveners and the Webmasters to ensure information is up to date on the website, and they support conveners in maximizing the website’s features to benefit members’ VWNC experience.

COMMUNICATIONS COORDINATOR: The communication coordinator is responsible for facilitating and coordinating communications within the club and promoting the club. This includes newsletters for club members, monthly luncheon invitations and special invites, along with developing and posting materials for the website. It also includes the development and execution of plans to boost awareness of the VWNC and its activities in the Greater Victoria area, especially to women who are new to the region.

WEBMASTER X 2: The Webmasters maintain the VWNC website.  They work with other members of the Executive to create website content on club goals, events and activities.  They provide access to the VWNC Members-only webpages, and assist members with technical issues related to the website. They provide training and support to Executive members and Conveners on the use of the club database.


victoria womens newcomers club karaoke